Steph Ting


I’m Steph. I’m an orthodontist and photographer living in San Francisco. Welcome to my blog!

My First Pair of Cleats

My First Pair of Cleats

I purchased my first pair of cleats this afternoon at a dinky little soccer shop on Figueroa. I find this exciting because it's the first time that I've purchased gear for a sport. I'm not generally the super athletic type and I've never really played an organized competitive sport before.

I wanted to get a pair of the Puma cleats but the smallest size they had was size 8. In the end, I had to settle for these size 7 Nike cleats (which are actually not a bad deal). I can't wait until next Tuesday's practice when I can test them out and break them in. I'm hoping that they make cutting a whole lot easier.

USC Spring 2011 Courses

USC Spring 2011 Courses

It's All About Office Hour

It's All About Office Hour