Most people who know me well know that I am an avid blogger. Few people know that I am also an avid blog reader. My Google Reader account tells me that I am following 129 blogs, not including the people I follow on Tumblr. A few days ago, I came across this blog entry on Google Reader and posted the link on the Boy's facebook wall: How to Load Hay On Your Feed Truck.
He's from Oklahoma. I thought this would give him a little something-something to make him feel more at home. He might reminisce about hay bales, herds of cattle, and hydraulic arm clamp thingamabobs.

Photo Credit: Pioneer Woman
Look at the cows. Aren't they adorable?
Well, he labeled me as a secret country girl from California.
"You even listen to country music!", he exclaimed.
So I proceeded to blast some Miranda Lambert song in his car - "Famous in a Small Town".
We get to the point in the song "
And we'll just spend the weekend burnin' rubber, and we'll let em point and stare in disbelief."
"You guys actually burn rubber in Oklahoma?" I asked.
"Yes", he replied, in a matter-of-fact manner.
"Doesn't that...smell bad?"
He looked over at me in disbelief. "You actually thought we literally sat there and burned rubber?"
"Maybe", I added.
"We're not hicks, you know?"
Then he proceeds to explain the colloquial use of the term "burning rubber" to me. I believe it relates to driving and something about the rubber of the wheels. Oh well...