Steph Ting


I’m Steph. I’m an orthodontist and photographer living in San Francisco. Welcome to my blog!

The Impossible Week

It feels like the longest week ever, until I look at the calendar to see that it is only Monday. Yes, Monday..

Every semester, there is always a week when you look back and want to puke at the amount of stuff you have to do in such a limited amount of time. This week seems to be "the week".

Biomechanics final project, biomechanics presentation, guitar final, writing 340 final, writing 340 portfolio, working extended shifts (6pm - midnight) at the dental school library, leading the pre-dental meeting on Wednesday, dealing with pesky miscellanies in life, finding out whether I am accepted or rejected by dental schools on December 1 (Thursday), and maybe getting an iPhone this weekend.

In conclusion, this week can either break me or make me.

I'm praying for the latter.

Song of the Day
White Christmas - Taylor Swift

iPhone 4S

Thanksgiving Reunion