Memorial Day Weekend
I spent Memorial Day Weekend in sunny San Diego, which ironically, was very chilly. Pre-summer weather in Southern California is extremely bipolar. It will be blazing hot one day and the next day, I'll have to step out in my winter coat and boots. Though it was nowhere near beach weather in San Diego, I can't complain. San Diego offered me a short reprieve from the onslaught of dental school applications. I had exactly one day to free my mind from the stress of cranking out a personal statement, filling out my AADSAS application, ensuring that all of my letters of recommendations have arrived, requesting transcripts, and figuring out which dental schools I should apply to.
It was my baby brother's first time traveling away from the confines of suburbia. We humored him by going to to the San Diego Zoo so he could see "elphants" and "brown bears" live. Traveling with a group of college students is vastly different from traveling with family. Both are exhausting in their own ways. With a group of college students, you actively try to maximize the number of exhibits you get to see by power-walking through the park and not stopping for breaks.
Ever. With family, it's more mentally exhausting dealing with numerous temper tantrums, incessant numbers of bathroom breaks, and prying children away from toys at the gift shops.

It seems the polar bears had a long night. That looks eerily reminiscent of college students after their second consecutive all-nighters.
We went to the beach afterwards. The chilly weather could not deter us from strolling along the Pacific Ocean. My baby brother was beyond excited - he had never been to the beach before.

My cousin and my uncle (somewhat) successfully flew a kite.

We ended the night with dinner at the Coranado Island Marriot Resort and Spa to celebrate my 21st birthday a few days early. The service: D (at best - they are slower than sloth and screwed up a few of our orders). The food: B+. The view: A-. The time with family: A+++++.

Extenuating circumstances in my life have made me somewhat weary of family. But this time, I'm beyond ecstatic that I was able to celebrate my 21st birthday with them.